Tuesday, January 3, 2012

~what not running will do for you~

Hello my friends!!
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a safe & wonderful
weekend :)

Well with the New Year comes the
"new pounds" hee hee ~ oh the fun
of eating too much fudge & any other
kind of sweet lurking about.....

veggies?  huh?? what are those??
sound familiar?

well I knew it would all come screeching to a halt
this week....I knew the days of decadence and laziness (so to speak...more about that later!) would be out the window come today....
yep...today is the day....

 I have to say, I am grateful for the warm, mild air
this morning with the tiny peek of sunshine~

 I happened to notice when I was sleepily doing one of my "usually annoyed at"
morning chores....... feeding the cats....it requires going out
on our back patio, shuffling to the big cedar box (wow what a whiner I am!!) & feeding the always starving (?) cats...

but had I not done this terrible rotten chore, I would not
have noticed the fresh & mild morning air....and
probably wouldn't have noticed the little ray of sunshine,
seemingly urging me on~ prodding me to just do it.
to just go..
get on your stuff...
get on your shoes...
and go for a run...

oh so true....it's that first step....

~all I could really think about this morning.....was how long it's been....since I last went ~3 weeks to be exact... (yep an excuse!) 
and that:  it's gonna be hard, it's gonna
be cold, my feet will hurt, I won't be able to go
very far, I won't be able to go very fast, I've lost
so much momentum...........................!
sound familiar?

but yes, I am chasing a goal.....
of being a "runner"
and I worked my way up to 4 miles ~
and I'm not about to give up
because of a little time off!!!
and a little (ok a lot.hee hee..) of fudge & goodies
and inactivity.....

so to answer my own question of
what not running will do for you??

here's the answer....

when you do begin again......

it will....prove to you that you can re-start!
help you notice the wee little bit of sunshine
in the midst of winter
notice the birds chirping & make you think of spring...
notice the seagulls against the blue sky & remember
warm beaches....
notice your thigh muscles with every step
and visualize the lean legs you are building....
and lastly, realize you don't have to give up!!!

I can tell you this......I feel good now....:)

have you been feeling a little sluggish too??
are you dreading "getting back into it??"
do you need a little push?

here's your push!
go on now ~ go do it....
whatever it is....
a walk, a run, or even a little bike ride....
go get some fresh air...
move around & breathe....even sweat...
oh yeah...feels amazing!!



{all images via pinterest}


  1. Great post !!!....

    Gelukkig Nieuwjaar !!!....ik hoop dat al je dromen mogen uitkomen......Liefs Ria...xxx...

    Happy New Year !!!...I hope all your dreams may come true....Love Ria....xxx.....

  2. I totally overindulged over the hoildays but isn't that part of the fun of them:) But I'm back into my morning kickboxing routine and eating my fruits and veggies...it does feel great!

    Great post!

  3. More positive posts I've been reading today....thanks so much for inspiring the rest of us out there....Mel

  4. Thanks for the emotional boot camp....such a reminder to get going thanks!

  5. I sooo needed to read this post!! lol. Good for you girl!;) Im trying to switch from my daily..ok twice daily habit of my Starbucks peppermint mocha..wow its hard! Americanos just arent quite the same!ha! Hope you had a wonderful day my friend~ oxoxoxo

  6. Just the other day I was saying I need to loose 10 pounds..like yesterday..I do love the holidays and all of its goodies..But as you say it's time to get outside and be active..Thanks for the post..Have a great day..

  7. Just found your GORGEOUS BLOG,I'm now following and have grabbed your button ,Hi from England x
    XX Manda XX

  8. I'm trying to get motivated but right now it's too cold to go outside. I did eat way too much fudge and cookies over the holidays and now it's back to eating healthy! It's hard getting back on track but I will.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


  9. Ugh ~ I was on the same holiday diet and now I need to get my body back on track. I'm about to hit the treadmill ~ after I super glue my lips together! Why is the first day so darn hard?!


  10. What a great post! I was just telling myself this morning, just get up an do it.
    Thanks for the extra nudge.

  11. I've recently begun running, and love it. You say you're chasing a goal of being a runner. You're already a runner. Now it's just matter of keeping going and setting new goals.


  12. Just stumbled on to your blog via Miss Mustard Seed. You spoke to my heart. Haven't ran since Nov! Ahck! Running injury from a race, then a pulled back muscle, then a cold and then preparing for and hosting 20 family members for Christmas! But now I have no excuses and you were just the push I needed. I'm pinning this post to remind me of the reasons why I need to go running and not just play the part of a runner!

  13. Your post has motivated me! I am not a runner, a walker when I can. And it is time to dust off that treadmill and just do it!!

    Happy New Year, sweet girl!


  14. You are absolutely right! I have not run in weeks because of a bummed knee and when I finally went a few days ago it was painful at first but I felt so great when I was done! Happy New Year!

  15. It was unusually warm today and nice to see that ray of sunshine coming through the clouds. I admire your enthusiasm about running. I can't even get motivated to go for a walk this time of year. Santa brought us a treadmill and I'm hoping to get a routine going for when the weather is nasty outside.

    Take care and hope to see you soon:-)


  16. I put my folks on
    a plane home to
    WA yesterday and
    am glad to hear it
    is mild and....dare
    I say it....the sun is
    peeking out! For the
    last five days we have
    been indulging, saying,
    "Oh well, this is our
    last hurrah, right?"
    Good luck with your
    running goals ~ I'm a
    cyclist, myself ~ and
    agree about the hardest
    part being getting out
    the front door!

    Happy New Year,
    xx Suzanne

  17. LOVE this post! 4 miles?! Good for you...I dabble on the treadmill but only get up t 2 miles....do other exercise though. I am like you...jumping back in, TODAY!
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    Happy New Year!

  18. WOOOO HOOOO!!! You GO, girl!!!! :) I ran with you today, did you know that? Well....didn't quite do four miles like you - you runner you. But I ran for 30 minutes! We are RUNNERS, Shellagh! We're gonna do this.....everyday!!! We're gonna lose the JIGGLE Bells!!! We're gonna get lean and mean and bootilicious!!! And come March...we're gonna put on those bathing suits and strut our stuff.

    Well.....maybe not strut. I don't know how to strut...do you? But we'll look stinkin' good! hehehe!

    See ya tomorrow on the road --- RUNNING!!!!!!

    LUV ya! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  19. While I didn't gain weight over the holidays (YAY!!) I have not been very good with the exercise.....ok non-existant. Time to get back on track! Thanks for the boost, I really do love the AM workouts with the sun coming up and the birds singing.


  20. Happy New Year Shellagh~Good for you getting back in the saddle!

  21. I so needed to see this post today. Last year I ran a half marathon and have done nothing recently. I love to run. I am terrible at it. I mean terrible. I joke (only half joking) that people look at me as I run and wonder what I am trying to do :) I need to get started again and am struggling with it. I am so happy when I do it. But I have not made it a priority and desperately need to.


  22. I so needed to see this post today. Last year I ran a half marathon and have done nothing recently. I love to run. I am terrible at it. I mean terrible. I joke (only half joking) that people look at me as I run and wonder what I am trying to do :) I need to get started again and am struggling with it. I am so happy when I do it. But I have not made it a priority and desperately need to.



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